American Revolution

The American Revolution 1770-1783

The timeline I used is the Boston Massacre to the The treaty of Versailles.

The gear we offer is all based on flags that were used in the Revolution to represent units/militia and to rally the Patriots standing up to tyranny. Keep in mind the Founding Fathers and the Patriots who stood with them were making a stance against the largest standing force of the time. Keep this in mind in current times as what we are facing today. It is estimated that only 3% to 16% of the people in this country at the time of the Revolution stood against tyranny. If 3% percent stood today, that would be about 9.75 million modern Patriots. The country could be put back on track to our founding fathers dreams. They literally wrote a Constitution regarding those dreams…. If you go to our Blog page we give you a little history on the flags that we present.

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