
Welcome to our site!

We here are big on Freedom, Your Constitutional Rights (all of them), small unobtrusive government, and sanity.

We also love dogs! They are better than most humans!

We support and believe you have a choice in how you live , what you do and that no one should tell you or force you into anything.

All this is true as long as you are not harming others.

The founding fathers understood what oppression was and wrote a document that still today stands. However, the type of government that they wanted to be free from has somehow started to evolve and ignore that beautiful Constitution. They are eroding the principles of this Great Nation, that so many from around the world have immigrated to legally while helping to build this Great Nation as they lived their dreams of freedom and roads paved with gold.

If you are of the same mind, possess common sense and sanity then stick around check out our stuff as we are all over the board in what we like. If you are not then go elsewhere and live your life without trying to step on ours.

Have a great day living FREE!